Prevention is great medicine!
- Laughter is a great heart remedy, and serving others is an antidote for depression.
- Walking briskly 10 minutes daily will significantly reduce your heart attack risk.
- Drinking water is one of the greatest “energy” drinks and detoxifiers.
- Figs are high in omega-3, heart healthy; and contain tryptophan, combating insomnia.
- Fava beans, peas, and lentils contain protein and fiber, decreasing cholesterol and sugar.
- Blueberries prevent DNA damage, have a low glycemic index, and are low in calories.
- Pomegranates have ellagic acid, good for anti-aging, anti-inflammation, and anti-cancer.
- Flavonoids in dark chocolate stimulate the lining of arteries for better blood flow.
- Krispy Kream donuts are delicious … sometimes you just gotta have one (or two).
- One cigar equals 20 cigarettes … what is considered “cool” … is frankly reckless.
- To have peace in your soul…love mercy, act justly, and walk humbly (Micah 6:8).
- Entertainment offers happiness; God’s Word yields joy and sound counsel (Psalm 119:24).