
Prevention is great medicine!

  1. Laughter is a great heart remedy, and serving others is an antidote for depression.  
  2. Walking briskly 10 minutes daily will significantly reduce your heart attack risk.
  3. Drinking water is one of the greatest “energy” drinks and detoxifiers. 
  4. Figs are high in omega-3, heart healthy; and contain tryptophan, combating insomnia.  
  5. Fava beans, peas, and lentils contain protein and fiber, decreasing cholesterol and sugar. 
  6. Blueberries prevent DNA damage, have a low glycemic index, and are low in calories.
  7. Pomegranates have ellagic acid, good for anti-aging, anti-inflammation, and anti-cancer.
  8. Flavonoids in dark chocolate stimulate the lining of arteries for better blood flow. 
  9. Krispy Kream donuts are delicious … sometimes you just gotta have one (or two). 
  10. One cigar equals 20 cigarettes … what is considered “cool” … is frankly reckless.
  11. To have peace in your soul…love mercy, act justly, and walk humbly (Micah 6:8).
  12. Entertainment offers happiness; God’s Word yields joy and sound counsel (Psalm 119:24).